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Map History

Prizes and Awards

(latest updates 7 March 2021)
See also Fellowships and Deadlines

California Map Society / Rumsey Map Center Paper Award. Submission deadline: 2 March.
Fordham Prize for distinguished contributions to the field of cartography. Awarded by the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) triennially (?) [renamed 2013; formerly the Sir George Fordham Award for Cartobibliography].
Hakluyt Society Essay Prize. Submission deadline: 30 November
Imago Mundi Prize
IMCoS - Helen Wallis Award. Given annually by the International Map Collectors' Society to the individual (or organisation) who 'has been responsible for cartographic contribution of great merit and wide interest to map collectors world-wide'.
International Coronelli Society for the Study of Globes (Internationale Coronelli-Gesellschaft für Globenkunde) offers the Fiorini-Haardt Prize, open to those researching pre-1945 globes and their makers.
ISHMap Prize in Map History, 'awarded every two years by the International Society of the History of the Map to recognize a project that explores the history of maps and mapping outside of the format of an academic paper, book, or edited collection in a way that increases accessibility and engagement with maps and map history through innovative presentations'. Submission deadline: 31 December.
ISHMap Prizes, awarded for best symposium paper, one for a presenter with a terminal degree and one for a presenter without a terminal degree.
London Topographical Society. Ann Saunders Essay Prize, awarded for an ‘original and unpublished research essay on the topography, development or buildings of London in any period’, awarded for an ‘original and unpublished research essay on the topography, development or buildings of London in any period'. Submission deadline: 1 April 2023
Society for the History of Discoveries, annual prize essay contest. The Prize (of $500) is open to anyone without a doctorate; essays may be on any aspects of discoveries, including cartography. Submission deadline: 15 May.
University of Texas at Arlington. The Department of History offers a range of Student Awards, some specifically for cartographic work.
Walter W. Ristow Essay Prize. This is issued annually by the Washington Map Society to recognize achievement in cartographic history. It is open to full or part-time students of accredited institutions of higher learning worldwide. The winner will receive $1000 and will have their paper published in The Portolan, the journal of the WMS. Submission deadline: 1 June.
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