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World-Wide Web Virtual Library

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What the
site is

Map History

Resources & Activities:
Conferences & Talks
Discussion lists
Fakes & Forgeries
Family history
Fellowships & Prizes
Images of early maps
Links lists & Gateways
Map collecting
Map collections
Map interest societies
Web projects

Map History / History of Cartography

THE Gateway to the Subject

Old maps, early maps— non-current maps in general—are the subject of this site. Whether you are an academic, family historian, collector, teacher, parent or surfer - WELCOME! Use this site to find the worthwhile free information about old maps, both on the web and in the real world. The site's 120 'pages' offer comment and guidance, and over 6,500 annotated links selected for relevance and quality. As the information is logically organised in a directory structure, you should easily find what you want. For an overview, check out What the site is about.

Follow the links to the left; or use the Index (and perhaps find unexpected things as well); or explore via the Sitemap to see the full range. In addition, you can search across the whole of this site:

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Please note that there are no pictures of maps on this site (but see Map image sites for thousands of annotated links to them). Alternatively, Map articles gives easy access to the growing body of free texts on the web.

This site is twenty-eight years old but is updated regularly. Add it to your favorites or, if relevant, insert a link from your own webpage.

Comments are very welcome but I regret that specific map enquiries cannot be answered


Maintained by Tony Campbell (former Map Librarian, British Library, London) 

Copyright © 1996-2024   |   Last significant updates: 11 September 2024

The Written Word:
Journals & Newsletters
Reading suggestions
Web articles
Around the Subject:
Related subjects
Special topics
  Companion sites
  Tony Campbell articles:
  Portolan Charts
  Archive Translate this site What is not included on this site

eXTReMe Tracker    [Linkcheck by Xenu]     Links last checked via Xenu March 2018. Those starting 'mailman.geo' (MapHist) are left in case they become available again
                   [and August 2009-January 2012 can be found in the Archive]; 'palimpseststanford' (Ex-Libris), 'kunstpedia.com' and 'liber-maps' may be retrieved from the
                   Web Archive/Wayback Machine

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